When you join Main Street, you join a movement to strengthen our community.

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We are a local 501c3 nonprofit organization

We’re focused solely on revitalizing downtown Marietta, OH through community and economic development strategies.

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We revitalize downtown

Downtown beautification, First Fridays, facade improvement grants, Enrich Marietta, downtown planning, public art, small business support, Hometown Holidays, Main Street West, and more!

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We strengthen Marietta

By investing in the heart of our community - downtown - we grow our local economy and improve the quality of life for residents.

Join Main Street and support the revitalization of Marietta!

Simply click below to join and follow the steps to process payment. Make sure you "check out" by clicking the button on the top right corner of your screen to complete the process.  All partners will be thanked by being listed on our website and in our annual report and acknowledged in a variety of ways throughout the year.

Main Street Partnership
from $250.00

Perks for Downtown Businesses | $250 to Join Main Street

  • Exclusive access to Main Street event participation. Only Main Street Partners can actively participate in Main Street events, like First Fridays, bar crawls, shop hops, and more. Partner event participation is promoted on social media, in press releases, and on our website.

  • Partner Spotlight promotion in digital media. Each Partner will annually have a Partner Spotlight published on our YouTube channel that is shared on social media reaching thousands across Marietta and beyond.

  • The pride of investing in the growth of Marietta. We work hard to serve our community well and are proud of what we've accomplished since our first national accreditation in 2013. We've maintained that national accreditation every year since then thanks to the support of our Main Street Partners!