Enjoy the lighting of the beautifully decorated trees in East Muskingum Park followed by our first Santa House of the season. Each tree is sponsored by a local business, organization, or family. Enjoy this attraction the whole month of December!
After the tree lighting we will be holding our first of two Santa Houses. Santa Houses are pop-up, free experiences located in the Gazebo of East Muskingum Park that invites local families to visit with Santa Claus. Folks are invited to snap photos of their children, pets, friends, and family free of charge. Visitors to the Santa House enjoy hot cocoa and cookies provided by area nonprofits, plus the beautiful views of our Holiday Tree Walk!
Inside the Gazebo, Santa Claus will be sitting in his chair ready to have his photo taken with residents from across the MOV totally free of charge. Grab your friends and family members, your kiddos and your doggos, and come snap a picture with Santa!
Those wanting photos are responsible for taking them on their own, meaning a camera or mobile phone with camera capabilities will need to be used. Volunteers will be on hand to help take group photos as requested!